April Fools at Pennywise 2023

Saturday, 1 April 2023 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT

123 TBA, NH, 03307, United States

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This event is currently not on sale. Please contact the organizer at the email address on the bottom right corner.


Sale ended

Member and passengers Partial Approval - Free

This is for member volunteers and their passengers.

Sale ended

Donations for the Work Day

Sale ends on 03/31/2023

If there is any surplus, the club will put it in our checking account to help recover our expenses.

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1. Select Seats

2. Review and Proceed

Saturday, 1 April 2023 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT

Pennywise, 123 TBA, , NH, 03307, United States.

Saturday, April 1st.

10 a.m. Meeting Time. This allows for the materials pick up we will need to do locally.

The directions to the property are sent out to those that RSVP only.

The bridge in the photo needs some updates and repairs.  We have purchased some rough hewn hemlock that we've been using with excellent success on other bridges here.  We have been drilling pilot holes through the lumber and into the supports with a hammer drill and bits the club purchased a few years ago and then we purchase 10" bolts, as needed.  Members have been bringing battery powered impact guns which work well to drive them in.

**Generator update - we have one or two available from people that signed up.**

There is also on large pine tree effectively blocking a 3 way intersection we need to open up.  If I recall correctly, the tree is about 3 ft diameter.  Good, working chainsaws will be needed.

Bonus points for weed whackers, loppers, etc.

Everyone should wear gloves and have the personal protection equipment for the tools they bring.

We expect the work to be done by 1 p.m. but there's not really a deadline.  The earlier we finish up, the earlier we ***get pizza*** and go have fun. 

***Snowmobile Trail information has been deleted - trails are currently closed and no snow expected.***

Everyone in the club is welcome to come and have some fun and pizza. The main trail is probably best rated as a BLUE trail, so having a locker, 33s and a winch are all very helpful.  There's harder trails, too.  If there is snow, trail conditions will vary more.  If the weather is fairly consistent between now and then, we would highly recommend bug repellant.  

Getting the lumber to the work areas has been a challenge we have had to overcome a few times.  If you have old ratchet straps, chain, tow straps you no longer care about - bring it.  We bundle it up into reasonable loads and skid it out to the work area with our rigs.  

There MAY be a scouting component as a goal during the day, but that group will be a very small group of people working on a future project.

We hope to see you there!  

Mohawk 4x4 Adventures, Inc


This is a Work and Wheel Day at an excellent property we use with land owner permission.

Contact the Organizer